Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Networking Isn't a Waste of Time

Many times we'll hear business owners say that networking is a waste of time. They have good reason for making this statement. They've clearly spent time going to networking meetings, and they haven't received a single new customer.

The problem with this statement is that it's false. We've said it time and time again. Networking is more than attending meetings and handing out business cards. It's about building relationships...real relationships. That takes time.

Here's an excellent article on Business Know-How that nicely explains our position on networking. Click here to read "Networking Strategies to Build Professional Practices." If you need assistance in any area, our marketing professionals can provide the guidance to create a networking plan that will get you real results. Contact us today.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Marketing Takes Planning and Effort

This past weekend I accomplished a goal I had set for myself about a year ago. I trained for and finished my first marathon. The conditions on race day were not ideal. In fact, the race was "red flagged" for unexpected high temperatures and they gave all the newbies the opportunity to defer to next year. How could I defer when I worked so hard for this day?

It was most definitely a hot day. Had I not trained properly and run the race wisely, I probably would not have finished. Even worse, I could have gotten sick and hospitalized like a number of the runners I saw along the course. Why do I bring this up? To brag a little, yes. After all, it was a pretty special accomplishment. But more importantly, I would like to highlight this week's article, "Marketing...It's Like Training for a Running Race." Anything worth doing is worth doing well and that takes planning. This article will explain in more detail.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Affordable, Powerful, & Professional Websites

A well-designed website is one of the most powerful marketing tools you can use to promote your business. Today's consumer likes to do their research on-line before making a purchase decision. When comparing two different companies, these consumers are more likely to select the one that has a professional website.

The key to building your brand image on-line is a professionally-designed website. We're always told that first impressions count. You can design a site yourself or you can work with "quickie" website design companies. If you promote your site the right way, you'll get visitors. But will they stay? Will they purchase from you?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Who’s Hanging Around You?

When you hear the word "charisma," what comes to your mind? The online Merriam-Webster dictionary says the definition of Charisma is:

1: a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)
2: a special magnetic charm or appeal or the charisma of a popular actor.

Examples of Charisma are "The candidate was lacking in charisma" and "His success is largely due to his charisma." The Greek word for charisma is "favor" and "gift." Some people think you cannot define this meaning. They think it’s a gift at birth and not something you can learn. I disagree. I think it’s something you are taught along the way by reading, learning, and studying.

Ask yourself a simple question. Are people naturally attracted to you? What are some reasons from John Maxwell on why people will not follow you?

Cynicism – have you ever walked into a room with someone and you can’t wait to get leave? They are always in a hole and want to pull you down with them.
Pride – Someone that thinks they are better, more experienced than anyone in the room. You may even hear them boasting about a recent deal.
Perfect – This is the person that requires everything to be done perfectly. I can see this if you’re an airplane pilot carry 300 passengers, but even the landing is not always perfect.
Insecure – You’re not comfortable with your own skin much less others.
Moody – Are you going to be in a good mood today, and if so, will it change with the weather?
Insecurity - If you are uncomfortable with who you are, others will be too.

If you can avoid these traits, you’re likely to attract more people to your inner circle.

Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can email Wayne at or visit:

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Benefits of Allowing a Creative Firm to Handle Every Aspect of Your Project

These are most certainly times when business owners are looking for ways to reduce costs and maximize investments in their marketing. Often times, in thinking they are saving, business owners will make their own arrangements for services such as copywriting, illustration, programming, printing and website maintenance. They may assign the projects to internal personnel who have other job responsibilities or they will hire individual vendors for each aspect of the project.

While the business owner may feel they have a better control when they handle a project themselves, there are actually more benefits to having a creative firm, like Eagle Soars Consulting, manage everything on a marketing project.

Click here to read the entire article.