Monday, January 30, 2012

Writing Good Copy

What is good copywriting? Obviously, it calls for a style that fits the subject, and in most cases, it's a natural-sounding and conversational style. Good copywriting should "speak" directly to the reader, listener, or viewer. Most importantly, it is focused on "you" (your prospect) and not "we" (which is known as "brag and boast copy"). Good copywriting is simple and it certainly doesn't include cliches like, "We go the extra mile" or "We know plumbing."

Sometimes you just need someone to tell your story for you. Whether it's for Search Engine Optimization, brochure creation, article or press release writing, we can write copy that makes sense and gets results. At the start of every copywriting project, you give us the details of the message you want to tell. From there, we craft copy that matches your corporate personality.

Click here to learn how you can utilize the expertise of copywriting professionals at Eagle Soars Consulting.