Monday, January 9, 2012

Adding a Personal Touch to a Cold Web World

How well is your website performing for your company? Once someone finds you on the web, are you able to convert them into customers?

The world wide web can be a cold and impersonal place to do business. At the same time, people are doing their research on the web before they make a purchase decision. As such, your website must be easy to navigate, provide valuable information, and make it simple for someone to contact you. The more personalized you can make it to your prospects' needs, the better.

We recently found a solution that allows business owners to begin developing relationships with their prospects earlier in the sales process...workface. As they so aptly mention, "Workface empowers your sales force to dramatically increase their visibility and engagement potential with clients and prospects. It's our unique way of making Internet commerce a lot more human."

To learn more, go to their website ( and take a look at how their service can help engage your prospects to convert them into customers. They'll even be happy to give you a demo on how their service works and will let you know if it's right for your business.