Monday, January 30, 2012

Writing Good Copy

What is good copywriting? Obviously, it calls for a style that fits the subject, and in most cases, it's a natural-sounding and conversational style. Good copywriting should "speak" directly to the reader, listener, or viewer. Most importantly, it is focused on "you" (your prospect) and not "we" (which is known as "brag and boast copy"). Good copywriting is simple and it certainly doesn't include cliches like, "We go the extra mile" or "We know plumbing."

Sometimes you just need someone to tell your story for you. Whether it's for Search Engine Optimization, brochure creation, article or press release writing, we can write copy that makes sense and gets results. At the start of every copywriting project, you give us the details of the message you want to tell. From there, we craft copy that matches your corporate personality.

Click here to learn how you can utilize the expertise of copywriting professionals at Eagle Soars Consulting.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Rights and Wrongs of Advertising

If you want your business to succeed, advertising is not an option, it's a necessity. If that's true (and it is), why do many business owners ignore advertising within their marketing strategies? The problem is that most business owners don't have a written marketing plan so they haven't created an advertising campaign that reaches their target audience. Even more, they don't advertise consistently, and when they do, they are placing ads in the wrong media. In the end, they become frustrated and think advertising doesn't work so they don't do it.

To read this article in its entirety, click HERE.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Marketing Plan

Are you actively using a marketing plan to get the word out on the great products/services offered by your business? If you are, KUDOs to you! You're also in the minority. That's right. Many business owners don't have a plan. As a result, they end up running marketing/advertising campaigns haphazardly. They spend money unnecessarily and then they try to save where they should be spending...on professional services (like marketing, accounting, etc.). This year, make the commitment to plan for your business success. And if you need to use a professional to assist you in the process, do it right away.

Read this article in its entirety by clicking HERE.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Adding a Personal Touch to a Cold Web World

How well is your website performing for your company? Once someone finds you on the web, are you able to convert them into customers?

The world wide web can be a cold and impersonal place to do business. At the same time, people are doing their research on the web before they make a purchase decision. As such, your website must be easy to navigate, provide valuable information, and make it simple for someone to contact you. The more personalized you can make it to your prospects' needs, the better.

We recently found a solution that allows business owners to begin developing relationships with their prospects earlier in the sales process...workface. As they so aptly mention, "Workface empowers your sales force to dramatically increase their visibility and engagement potential with clients and prospects. It's our unique way of making Internet commerce a lot more human."

To learn more, go to their website ( and take a look at how their service can help engage your prospects to convert them into customers. They'll even be happy to give you a demo on how their service works and will let you know if it's right for your business.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Future is So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

The title is from a song by Timbuk3 back in the 80’s. The future of a company or a family should be so bright, they all have to wear shades. How? This depends on the leaders mindset.

Leaders understand the importance of what goes into their mind. There are some great nuggets found in Proverbs 23 about our minds and vision for the day and the rest of our lives. Below are some nuggets to ponder as we go into 2012.

Your thoughts throughout the day will determine your character. Zig Ziglar says, “People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.” It’s important that we have positive affirmations coming into our lives, minds, souls and spirits daily. A good way to make this happen is to sign up for daily email that provides the type of nourishment your mind needs. An author, John Maxwell, is an inspiration to me and the articles I write. He has a one minute video he sends out daily that inspires the mind.

We become what we think. Have you ever had a co-worker come up to you and say, “You don’t look well today.” Up to that point during the day, you felt fine. As the day went by, you kept thinking about the comment your co-worker made. You may have ended up going home early because you started to feel sick. You later realized that there was nothing really wrong with you. A “sick” seed had been planted and you nourished it all day until it bore (bad) fruit. What IF you had exchanged that bad seed for good seed? What would have been the difference? Be careful of your thoughts; they may break into words at any time.

Have you ever heard, “Go where you’re celebrated, but not tolerated?" Don't waste your thoughts on those who don't hunger for them. It’s like throwing seed out onto the pavement and expecting something good to grow. The rule of thumb is if you’re asked for advice, give it accordingly. Never give unwanted advice. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

In leadership, who is the first person you lead and the organ you master? If you said “You” are the first person to lead and the “Mind” is the first thing to master, you’re correct. As a leader, you set the pace and steps for others to follow. The leader also sets the temperature in the room. The leader is the thermostat, not the thermometer. If you come into a room looking in control and confident during trying times, everyone else in the room will follow your lead.

Mastering your mind and what goes into it will help you during tough times. Think of a football team that's down 21 points going into the locker room at half time. What does the coach have to do or say during those few minutes? The coach must change the mindset of the team to help them believe they can still win the game.

I encourage you to say confident in the new year and your vision will come to pass. Discipline your thoughts to remain steadfast in what you know is right.

Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can email Wayne at or visit: