Monday, February 27, 2012

Listening is More than What You Hear

Most people, when asked, will tell you they are good listeners. Business owners will say they are adept at hearing the needs of their clients, prospects, employees and vendors. Being a good listener is important in every area of our lives, but especially so in business. After all, most of our time is spent at work. But listening is more than just what you hear. Listening is also about observing someone’s body language and comparing that with what is being said.

Click HERE to read the entire article.

Monday, February 20, 2012

How to Create a Brochure for Your Business

Creating a brochure that concisely tells your company's message and uses complimenting graphics isn't an easy task. If you're not a marketing executive, you may wonder where to begin. There are no short cuts and no easy do-it-yourself answers to creating a brochure that will get results. The best way to create a professional-looking brochure is to work with professional copywriters, graphic designers, and printers. To familiarize you with the process, here are the steps a professional should take to create a brochure for your company:

Click here to read the entire article.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Self discipline is the ability to make yourself do something between inspiration. You do it whether you feel like it or not. It’s easy to do the things you want to do when you’re feeling good about yourself like take a vacation, play golf or ski on a Colorado slope. What happens when you don’t feel like making the effort to make the money to do these things? Well, you have to force yourself, especially if you’re self-employed.

What decisions do you have to make today to go forward and be successful? What is the “Why that makes you cry?" Understanding this will change the way you do life. Below are a couple of steps that will help get you started and be above-average in accomplishing your goals and dreams.

Be happy.
If you’re overweight, lose some pounds starting this week. Go join a gym. They usually have some great discounts this time of the year. When you’re looking and feeling great, it shows in your efforts.

What do you want?
Have a specific reason why you’re going to go out of your comfort zone to build a business. Write it down on paper and put pictures on the refrigerator to remind you of the things for which you are working. I have found money is not a motivator, but what is a motivator is what money can buy.

Set a time
Anything worth doing is worth setting a date to complete the goal. For example, if you’re going on a European vacation next year, start today to save money. You have a date you know you’ve got to pay the airlines or the hotel. This date is important if you’re taking your spouse for an anniversary. You don’t want to leave anything to chance and disappoint them.

To-do list
With iPhones and Blackberrys at our finger tips, there's no reason you shouldn’t have a to-do list to keep you on track to meet your goals.

Sort your list
If you’re building a house, how many tasks would you have written down? Would they be in any order? Sure. Think of your goal or dream the same way you build a house. Get the foundation built right and the rest will fall in place.

Action steps
To get something accomplished, get busy. Do anything to put effort towards your goal. Remember, even if you’re on the right track you will get run over if you're sitting still. Do something every day that moves you in the direction of accomplishing your dream.

My inspiration for writing this article comes from Brian Tracy. He says “First, decide exactly what you want, write it down with a deadline, make a plan and take action - on at least one goal - today! Second, determine the price you will have to pay to achieve this goal and then get busy paying that price - whatever it is.”

Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can email Wayne at or visit:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Building Your Business with Networking

Networking... it's a word many people dislike. In fact, you may even have cringed when you read the title of this article. Before we get into giving you some tips on how to build your business with networking, let's talk about what networking is and what it is not. Networking IS building relationships -- good relationships. Networking is NOT standing around at a meeting trying to get business on the spot by handing your business cards out to as many people as possible. Once we get those ideas straight in our minds, networking won't carry the weight of intimidation that makes it seem so distasteful to many of us.

Click here to read the entire article.