Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Building Customer Loyalty

When you capture the loyalty of your customers, not only will they continue to purchase from your business, they'll be more than willing to refer their family and friends. Here are a few tips on how to build customer loyalty.

  1. The most important character your business needs to portray is integrity. There are no compromises when it comes to integrity. It starts with you, the business owner, and filters down to every employee.
  2. Remember that marketing and customer relations is all about building trust and developing relationships.
  3. You've got to listen to your customers and their needs and then create a product or service that exceeds customer expectations.
  4. Identify and build your brand image. Think about what you'd like your customers to say about your business when they refer you to others and work to develop that image.
  5. Take a genuine interest in your customers as you focus on their needs.
  6. Never take customer loyalty for granted. There's plenty of competition out there, and your customers can very easily go somewhere else, but they choose to purchase from your business. Let them know you appreciate them and their business.