Monday, May 9, 2011

Does your business need a marketing plan tune-up?

Once upon a time, when the economy was booming, a small business could prosper with very little effort and investment in marketing. Now that times have changed, so have the buying habits of consumers and most businesses have noticed a decline in new business.

If you have seen a slowing trend in your business you may want to ask yourself one question, "Is it because times are tough or is the marketing message of my business no longer effective?" I would even go one step further to ask, "Was my company's marketing message ever really on target or was I just reaping the benefits of a good economy?"

Regardless, if you are beginning to notice a slow-down, it might be time for a marketing plan tune-up. This is especially true if you notice any of the following:

  1. Your marketing materials don't have a consistent look to foster a brand image. Take a look at all your marketing materials. If they lack consistency in message, logo, colors, etc., you are giving your customers mixed messages.
  2. Your vision for the business has changed. When you first opened the doors to your business, you had a fairly concrete idea of what you wanted to accomplish. Over time, every business evolves. You may have created new products or services to meet the needs of customers. Maybe the demand for certain products or services has changed.
  3. Your marketing materials are focused on "you" instead of your customer. Building relationships is the key to building a successful business. To build strong relationships, you've got to be focused on your customer - their needs and their desires.
Remember, first impressions are critical. You've got to clearly and concisely communicate who you are and how a prospect can benefit from doing business with you. More importantly, you have to build in that trust factor right from the start.

A marketing plan tune-up will make sure your marketing message is on target and that you are current with the needs of your customers. At the very least, you should have an expert in marketing take a look at what you are doing to see if there are ways to make improvements and maximize the return on your marketing investment.

Eagle Soars Consulting can do that for you. To learn about our marketing plan tune-ups, visit our website at: