Monday, April 30, 2012

7 Ways to Advertise On-Line for Free

Your company's marketing budget doesn't have to be huge for you to effectively market your business. As you will hear us say time and time again, to be effective in your marketing efforts, you need a plan and you must "work" that plan frequently and consistently. Everyone likes to hear the word "free." Employing a nice mix of paid and free marketing strategies can help you accomplish a lot to bring greater visibility to your business.

Here are seven ways you can advertise your business on-line for free.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Why Investing in a Professional Marketer/Designer is Good for Your Business

It is obvious that keeping costs down is important to the success of any business. In reviewing expenses, though, many will devalue the importance of developing well-crafted marketing materials. To reduce costs, these business owners will often write and design their own materials or they will assign this task to one of their employees. When a business owner ignores the importance of well-crafted and designed materials, they actually end up losing. We'll show you why this is the case and how investing in a professional marketer/designer is good for your business.

Click HERE to read the entire article.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What form of marketing works best?

We're always out on the web searching for the latest information in business marketing and employee training. We recently came upon the above-referenced article (link to article below) and would like to take note of certain items mentioned.

  1. Yes, people did like receiving emails over all other forms of marketing communication. This applies to every age group, from the age of 15 on up to those who are 65+ in age. Don't discount the ability of older individuals to grasp technology. They are on the web and they've got the money to spend on your valuable products or services.
  2. The not-so-close second-place winner was direct mail. Interesting about this category is that even though this was not the preferred method of contact, more people made purchases (or a very close second) as a result of a direct mail piece than those offers sent by email. What does this tell us? It's important to have an email campaign, but don't discount direct mail. It should still be part of your marketing campaign.

Click HERE to read the article: 77 Percent of Us Want to Get Marketing Via Email and There's No Close Second Place, Study Says

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

You all have heard the title used in many different ways, but it’s true. We’ve all listened to our parents say, “If you keep hanging around little Johnny, you will turn out just like him.” In Proverbs 11:14, it says “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” We all need accountability and counsel, but from everyone?

All leaders need an inner circle of friends that will add value to him or her and to their organization. Who would you pick for your inner circle? The author John Maxwell suggests finding people who are creative, loyal, same-vision, wise, and with complementary gifts, influence, faith and integrity.

Let me give you my definitions of Mr. Maxwell’s suggestion;

  • Creative people. These people will paint a bright picture and come up with solutions unimaginable.
  • Loyal people. These folks will be with you thick and thin. They are the ones who would get up at 3 am and bring you gas because you thought you could make it to the next exit for fuel. If you’re arrested, they may be in the same jail cell with you.
  • People who share your vision. This person will be on the same sheet of music with your morals, character and integrity.
  • Wise and intelligent people. Who says you have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer? Draw from others who have experience in the areas you lack experience.
  • People with complementary gifts. This person would give-away the gift of hospitality, mercy, wisdom, and knowledge to name a few.
  • People with influence. You’re looking for the E.F. Hutton guy. If you’re old enough to remember this man. He’s the one that “When E.F. Hutton talks, everyone listens.”
  • People of faith. In times of sorrow, death, and sickness, having friends of faith to talk and counsel with are very important.
  • People of integrity. When you’re ready to make a decision in your personal or business life and there is a gray area, this is the person you want to bounce off the idea.
In closing, who do you seek for counsel? Does your flock have the qualities above? If not, keep looking, they’re out there.

Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can email Wayne at or visit:

Monday, April 9, 2012

Managing Change for Business Growth

How do you manage change within your organization? Do you often come up against resistance when you try to implement changes designed to spur growth?

Change is a necessary element for any company to grow and prosper, but many company executives will become frustrated when they try to implement change. Why? Because, like anything else, change needs to be managed properly so everyone understands its necessity and becomes a willing partner in seeing the changes succeed.

Click HERE to read the entire article.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Eagle Soars Consulting Celebrates 10 Years in Business

Ten years ago, Anne Lazo was faced with an opportunity to live out a childhood dream of owning a business. With a great passion and an entrepreneurial spirit, Lazo embarked on a mission to help other business owners realize their potential for success. When the occasion presented itself, Lazo founded Eagle Soars Consulting. The company is now excited and pleased to be celebrating 10 years in business.

Click HERE to read this entire article.