Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

You all have heard the title used in many different ways, but it’s true. We’ve all listened to our parents say, “If you keep hanging around little Johnny, you will turn out just like him.” In Proverbs 11:14, it says “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” We all need accountability and counsel, but from everyone?

All leaders need an inner circle of friends that will add value to him or her and to their organization. Who would you pick for your inner circle? The author John Maxwell suggests finding people who are creative, loyal, same-vision, wise, and with complementary gifts, influence, faith and integrity.

Let me give you my definitions of Mr. Maxwell’s suggestion;

  • Creative people. These people will paint a bright picture and come up with solutions unimaginable.
  • Loyal people. These folks will be with you thick and thin. They are the ones who would get up at 3 am and bring you gas because you thought you could make it to the next exit for fuel. If you’re arrested, they may be in the same jail cell with you.
  • People who share your vision. This person will be on the same sheet of music with your morals, character and integrity.
  • Wise and intelligent people. Who says you have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer? Draw from others who have experience in the areas you lack experience.
  • People with complementary gifts. This person would give-away the gift of hospitality, mercy, wisdom, and knowledge to name a few.
  • People with influence. You’re looking for the E.F. Hutton guy. If you’re old enough to remember this man. He’s the one that “When E.F. Hutton talks, everyone listens.”
  • People of faith. In times of sorrow, death, and sickness, having friends of faith to talk and counsel with are very important.
  • People of integrity. When you’re ready to make a decision in your personal or business life and there is a gray area, this is the person you want to bounce off the idea.
In closing, who do you seek for counsel? Does your flock have the qualities above? If not, keep looking, they’re out there.

Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can email Wayne at or visit: