Sunday, November 4, 2012

Spice up Your Leadership with Vision

Wayne Bailey
Have you ever heard the inner voice speak out to you? That’s the birthplace of vision. The inner voice that starts within and is asking “What is your mission in life?" Whatever you put your sights on, it will not come to pass unless you have a “Why that makes you cry.” What is your why? What is the very thing you can’t live with or without?

What makes you work day and night and reminds you of your vision? Perhaps sending your kids to private school? Having a second home on the beach? I’m not talking about becoming a slave to your job, but to what keeps you focused? Unless there is a strong enough reason and it comes from the depths within, you will not accomplish the task or goal.

There is the grumpy voice. It's the voice that that can take a lemon and turn it into lemonade. If you’re discontent with life, the very thing you’re disgusted with can bring you a vision to make life better. If you’re tired of sitting in traffic everyday on the way to work, you just might come up with a vision to work from home, change your work schedule to leave home early, or leave work early find a way to work from home or your favorite vacation spot. If you make positive changes in your life because of the stress, you have the catalyst for vision.

The smiley face voice knows you’re unable to accomplishment great things alone. John Maxwell said “If you want to lead others to greatness, find a good mentor, an advisor who can help you sharpen your vision.” No one man or woman has ever accomplished anything great unless they had help. The CEO of a Fortune 500 company needs their employees. Direct Marketing companies such as Avon, need their Distributors in the field. Even the richest men and women in the world need others to help fulfill their vision. Zig Ziglar said “You Can Only Get What You Want, If You Help Enough Other People Get What They Want," so practice giving before you ask a hand.

Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can email Wayne at or visit: