When you look around at your friends, co-workers, associates, do you seem them being an asset or a liability? An asset could be someone that's looking out for your or keeping you from being blindsided. A liability may stand back and giggle or say, "Watch this," when you get the news you were not expecting.
A team member would be the person that's being helpful and looking out for your best interest. Someone who encourages you and does not wear or tear you down. A non-team member might think, "I'll keep this to myself and I'll make myself look good." Some points to ponder about as you go through the day:
- Always check your motives when you make a decision that affect you and your team. Your goal should always be to help genuinely build up others and not tear them down or make them look bad.
- Pick your battles. Is this a mountain to die for or to fight on? Some mountains are worth fighting for, so pick your battles carefully.
- If there is a problem, let it be known by going directly to the source. Telling a third party can't help and may even make it worse.
- If there are corrections to be made, do it fast. Don't wait. Waiting will only cause the problem to get worse.
- Always give value towards others. When John Maxwell speaks to a group, he sees a "10" over their heads, meaning they are all 10s and go-getters. He knows he's not wasting his time because he feels the information he is giving is falling on fertile ground.
- When you do have to be critical with others, do it with a positive attitude and always finish with a compliment.
- If you're attitude was duplicated into others, how would you like the world?
Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can email Wayne at wayne_bailey642@hotmail.com or visit: www.sendoutcards.com/waynebailey.
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