Monday, November 15, 2010

Great Ways to Jump Start Sales - Part 1

There are a lot of different techniques and strategies business owners can use to jump start their sales. But, before you start to invest time and energy into any of those strategies, it's imperative that you do one thing...understand the needs of your customers.

Seems simple, right? In fact it most business owners believe they already understand the wants and needs of their customers. Even more, they think they're actively meeting those needs and their customers are satisfied. This may be so, but if you limit your thinking in this area, you may just be leaving business on the table.

Times and buying attitudes have changed. With this in mind, when was the last time you talked with your customers about their needs? Also, have you engaged your staff in the feedback process? If you actively solicit input from your customers and staff in the feedback process, you may just be surprised at what you learn.

So where do you start? The best place to start is at the beginning of your buying process. Evaluate the entire customer experience from beginning to end, then tighten up loose ends. Once you've done this, talk with your team to see if customers have communicated needs that are going unmet. Finally, regularly ask customers how you are doing by instituting a process to solicit honest feedback.

In taking these steps, not only will you improve the customer experience, but you may come up with additional ways you can meet the needs of your customers and future prospects.