Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tell a story and your prospects will buy.

Quick tips on effective story telling.

When a prospect has a need, they want to know you will be able to fill that need. A great way to show what you can do is by telling a story.

Stories give us context and help us understand. They can also be translated quickly into something visual and emotional. Because of these characteristics, stories are very powerful marketing tools.

All good stories have a hero (in this case, your prospect). In these stories, the hero faces a challenge and learns something in the process. When you look at the story from your prospect's point of view, you will gain a different perspective on what is important to them.

Good stories also have good leads that pull us in and gain our attention. The first sentence is most important. It should give readers a compelling reason to read on without giving away the ending.

Once you open with a strong lead, provide detail that keeps the reader interested. A great example of this," They hoped to increase their gross revenues by 15%. They ended up with 300%. The story of how they did this is very interesting..."

And always, end your story with a bang!

Re-thinking your marketing message and customer case studies in the context of your prospect's point of view will be fun and rewarding.