Monday, February 21, 2011

Customer Appreciation: Building Your T.E.A.M.

Team stands for "Together Everyone Achieves More." Michael Jordan said, "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships." Jordan played ball for Carolina and went on to be one of, if not the best basketball player in the NBA. What was different about Jordan? The times I watch him play, he was a good tempered player and motivated his team through words and actions. A team player does what's best for the team. The attention is off the leader and on the team.

When there is too much attention on the dream of winning a Championship or building a big multi-level networking business, this can cause the team to lose sight of today and be over confident. Jordan said "Just think about the basketball game. If you start to think about who is going to win the championship, you've lost your focus."

John Maxwell, in "The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork" says, "If you want to build and grow your team, make sure your motives are right and not on yourself." Are you building this team to benefit yourself? Create a sense of community? Build an organization? If your desire comes from doing only one of the above, more than likely we need to examine our motives. If your desire is to do all the above, then you want to add value to the team and that's what it's all about.

Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can email Wayne at or visit:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Great Ways to Jump Start Sales - Part 5: Stay in Front of Customers

So many business owners have a lot on their plates. Not only are they working on their business, but they're working in it. Often times, this leaves some things, like marketing, undone...or at the very least, not done as consistently or frequently as needed.

If this is the case, and before you do anything else, find a professional to assist you with the marketing of your business. There are many great outsource companies, like Eagle Soars Consulting, that can help you with your marketing.

When you decide to take the step to outsource, you will find that this investment will very quickly pay for itself. The time you once expended on marketing can now be spent on other important business tasks. You'll also see an increase in buying from customers. That's because your name will be in front of them more often.

Still not convinced and want to go it on your own? Here are some ways you can stay in front of customers.

  1. Email - This is a very cost-effective way to market your business, but don't get caught up in hawking your products or services. Instead, make your e-newsletter one of value by providing information that is helpful. Your readers will not only view you as an expert who should be consulted when the time comes for a purchase, but you'll continue to nurture the trust factor that fosters customer referrals. Setting and keeping a scheduling for sending your email campaign is imperative for its success.
  2. Direct Mail - Yes, direct mail continues to be a good way to stay in the front of customers, especially if you want to offer discount coupons and promotions. A good print house should be able to handle every aspect of the, print and mail. Like emails, this needs to be done on a consistent schedule.
  3. Social Media - This is one of the fastest growing areas for marketing a business, especially if you are targeting those in their twenties and thirties. At a minimum, consider Facebook pages, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and a blog.
  4. Mobile Web - If your website is not mobile-friendly, you're losing out on business. It's not hard, nor should it be costly, to have a professional design a mobile website for your business.
In summary, you've got to stay in front of customers so they'll think of you before they think of your competition. Right now is the best time to take advantage of consistent marketing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Great Ways to Jump Start Sales - Part 4: Promote Creative Thinking & Ideas

In getting back to the our series on Jump Starting Sales, this post will focus on promoting creative thinking and fresh ideas. Entrepreneurs never seem to be out of ideas and that's great when it comes to building a business. However, you may be limiting the growth and success of your business if you're the only one coming up with the ideas. Here are several ways you can generate some fresh and innovative ideas for your business.

Ask Your Team - Seems like a "no-brainer," but many times business owners get so caught up in the day-to-day they forget there is a great resource of ideas within their team of employees. Your employees are on the front line. If they're doing their jobs correctly, they should know exactly what your customers need and whether or not their needs are changing. To promote creativity from within, schedule brainstorming sessions or company retreats. Make your employees feel as though their input is valuable and give recognition to everyone who makes constructive suggestions.

Ask Your Customers - Your customers have come to trust and have developed confidence in your services or products and want to see your business succeed. Their input is extremely valuable so listen to what they have to say. Develop a system to solicit their opinions and suggestions.

Ask Your Peers - Maybe your business is a one-person shop or you don't have a lot of employees. In that case, you may want to consider assembling an "advisory group" to help you generate ideas. An advisory group can help you "flush out" any ideas you may have and will also help with accountability so you stay focused on your business plan.