Friday, October 2, 2009

Marketing firm is accepting nominations to donate web design services to a Christian or fledgling non-profit organization

Eagle Soars Marketing will be accepting nominations and using their talents and expertise to design a web site for a Christian or fledgling non-profit organization. To be considered, qualifying organizations must complet and submit a Nomination Form to the company on or before December 31, 2009.

"Eagle Soars Marketing is a large supporter of cause-related marketing and has made a commitment to helping small non-profit organizations gain greater awareness within their communities," states Eagle Soars' owner, Anne Lazo. "In fact, we believe so strongly in non-profits that when we work with our business clients we find ways in which we can help them partner with area non-profits."

Lazo further states, "We understand the burdens the smaller non-profits are now facing for contributions and we want to do our part to help. While we can't give away a free web site to every non-profit, we can provide an opportunity for one organization to become more visible on the world wide web."

This will be the first year Eagle Soars Marketing will accept nominations from Christian non-profits and those non-profits that have incorporated within the past year. Within 30 days after the nomination closing date, the submissions will be reviwed, scored and the winner will be selected. Since the company will continue to offer this program once each year, starting on October 1st and ending on December 31st, those organizations not selected in this round will be considered in subsequent evaluation rounds.

For the selected organization, the offer will include the professional design of one free web site. Domain name registration and hosting is not included. For more details and to download the nomination form, qualifying organizations should visit the Eagle Soars Marketing web site at Completed nomination forms should be faxed to Eagle Soars Marketing no later than December 31, 2009. The final selection will be made by January 30, 2010.