Monday, September 21, 2009

Networking Etiquette

Too many times business owners can become overly confident in their networking abilities. Others may not understand the purpose of networking and go with the idea they have to sell, sell, sell to everyone they meet. In actuality, the success of your networking depends on how you conduct yourself during the event. Here are a few tips to make sure you're remembered favorably after a networking event:

  1. Arrive on time or no more than 5 minutes late. Believe it or not, late arrivers sometimes have trouble feeling part of the group.
  2. Re-introduce yourself to people you've already met at past events. Many times people are too embarrassed to admit they forgot your name, so this takes the pressure off.
  3. Make sure you stand tall, shake hands and smile during any re-introduction or introduction.
  4. Try to meet as many people as you are able.
  5. Don't monopolize any one person for more than ten minutes.
  6. Only approach groups of three or more (two people may be having a private conversation).
  7. Exchange business cards ONLY after you've established rapport with the other person.
  8. If you've promised to send information or do something for someone, follow through.
  9. When you leave, remember to thank your host or hostess.
Networking is important to the success of any business, even if your business is focused on ecommerce. In an upcoming post, we'll share how you should evaluate and select the networking events and associations that are right for the growth of your business.