Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fusion Marketing: Using Discount Offers to Build Your Business

Pam Small of Refresh & Renew-A Resource for Women

Are you part of a networking club or association of business owners? Is your business located in a Main Street shopping area? Do you or your family have any non-profit affiliations or are you part of a sports team or belong to a specific club, church or synagogue?

If the answer to any of these questions is, "yes" then you are in a position marketing program that is easy and effective.

Creating a discount or special offer program with other business owners you know is a very inexpensive way of spreading the word about you and your business. Although it will take an initial meeting to discuss the details, this fusion marketing program can be in operation very quickly.
  1. Gather like-minded business owners who are willing to offer a set discount to all contacts. While individual business owners may want to make special offers, for simplicity purposes, we suggest everyone involved offer a 10% discount to their loyal customers at all participating businesses.
  2. Create a flyer or brochure announcing this Special Collaborative Rewards Program. Every business should submit their logo, a brief description about their business and their contact information. This should be laid out attractively and printed. All participating businesses should share in the cost of reproduction.
  3. If a flyer is created as a word document, this flyer can be imbedded into an email that each business owner can forward to their database contacts AND/OR
  4. Each participating business can include information in their business's email newsletters and print newsletters AND/OR
  5. A special Constant Contact or other email marketing campaign company account can be established for the group. All members can input their contact information into this account and monthly specials can be sent to all contacts reminding them of this special collaborative effort.
  6. Flyers or brochures should be present in every participating business and loyal customers and browsers should be encouraged to take this and visit "Our Fusion Partners".
  7. Regular, monthly meetings should be held for the purpose of evaluating the success of the program and for brainstorming on expanding the program.
Why not take the lead this week and contact some of those business owners you know and respect and ask them to 'partner' with you on this campaign? Initiate the program and reap the benefits - greater awareness of your business, more people coming into your business or visiting your web site, and - a rise in sales!

Pam Small is the owner of Refresh & Renew - A Resource for Women. Having a heart for women's issues, Pam is quickly becoming the go-to person for helping small business owners target their marketing efforts to this powerful buying group. For more info, visit