Monday, December 19, 2011

Thriving in a Competitive Business Environment

Nationwide business owners are either working harder to thrive or they are cutting back to survive. Increased competition and economic uncertainties, often trigger business owners to cut back on their investment in marketing and advertising. While it may seem like a good idea in the short-term, this is a decision that can end up being quite costly...even deadly to your business.

Instead of cutting back, keen business owners are using the tight economy as an opportunity to re-think and re-work their product and service offerings. One of the most important things these business owners are doing is saturating every marketing and advertising venue with their message. After all, what better time to get the word out when other businesses are cutting back?

Slow and steady wins the race. And little actions over time add up to give you a big impact. When figuring out what you want to do with your company next year, here are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. Develop a plan. It is always surprising how many small companies neglect to do any kind of business or marketing planning. Figure out where you want to go and how you are going to get there. Then write the plan down and update it periodically.
  2. View marketing as an investment. The more you strategically market to the people who need your product or service, the more customers you will attract.
  3. Evaluate what you are currently doing to make sure the money you are spending on building your business is working for you. Don’t use strategies just because they are part of a traditional marketing program. Focus your efforts on a program that will get you the best results.
  4. Stop using strategies that are not working, and always remember to test and measure so you know whether you are effectively reaching your target audience.
  5. Review your marketing message. You want to be certain it clearly and concisely demonstrates “What’s in it for me?”.
  6. Don’t forget to have fun. If you love what you do and have fun doing it, you will have no choice but to succeed.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Importance of Promoting "Team"

Business owners looking to create a stronger, more cohesive working environment are constantly searching for ways to motivate their employees. There are a number of things you can do to promote commitment from the people who work for you, like developing a learning culture in your organization and communicating your values and goals; however, there's more.

Click HERE to read this article in its entirety and learn how you can begin to create success in the workplace.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Feeling the Blahs During the Holidays?

How do you get rid of the blahs during the holidays? In one word...Give. In Proverbs 11:24-25, it says: "And there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” Zig Ziglar said it this way, “We sometimes need a check up from the neck up.”

When I think of self, I tend to get in a rut and all that is a grave with the ends knocked out. Dr. Karl Menninger responded to a question asking “What would you advise a person to do, if he felt a nervous breakdown coming on?" Most people expected him to reply, "Consult a psychiatrist," because that was his profession. To their astonishment Menninger replied, "Lock up your house, go across the railway tracks, find someone in need, and do something to help that person."

A good friend of mine said “Wayne, you can't receive unless you have your arms open.” He’s right. If we always keep our arms crossed, how can we ever receive. This holiday season is here, so develop a giving spirit. Dr, Menninger also implied people need to overcomes feelings of deficiency in a positive and healthy way. That's why Menninger says, "Generous people are rarely mentally ill people."

When you’re busy looking at yourself, it’s hard to focus on someone else. Warren Buffett said it this way, "Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks." If what’s not working for you today, go find another boat or a way to give yourself away.

Wayne Bailey is a Distributor with SendOutCards. He has recognized tremendous growth in his personal and business relationships by implementing the strategies he talks about in his articles. You can visit: